Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Desmos Calculator Art

In order to get cool calculator art u first must go to desmos.com, click launch calculator, then in the top right hand corner click the wrench and change it to polar graph from Cartesian graph.
In order to get this polar graph art I graphed r=asinbtheta, then select the a and b sliders and move the a slider to 4.8, then the b slider to -1.7.
Now I created my own art using the polar graph in desmos. I graphed r=2sin2theta, r=5sin2theta, r=8sin2theta, r=10sin2theta, r=2cos2theta, r=5cos2theta, r=8cos2theta, r=10cos2theta, r=-5theta, r=5theta. This is how I created this polar graph art using desmos calculator. I liked how we used polar graphs in a fun way to make our own art and math more fun! I was excited to explore the possibilities of what I could do with the functions and what they would graph because you would not know what might come up on the polar graph it could be a weird swirl or something extraordinarily cool looking. I had a lot of fun exploring my options and what I could create using the desmos calculator.  

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Loan Project


Subsidized loan - A loan that is available to undergraduate students with financial need. The government pays the interest on while the student is in school.

Unsubsized loan - A loan that is available to undergraduate students with no financial need. The student pays the interest from the time the loan is dispersed.

Bank loan - A loan obtained by an alternative source than the government.

Interest rates:
Subsidized and Unsubsized = 3.86%
Bank loans - varies

5817 = 5000(1+.0386)^4
5601 = 5000(1+.0386)^3
5393 = 5000(1+.0386)^2
5193 = 5000(1+.0386)^1

22,004(1.0386)^10 yrs = 32,135.482
                                     120 months  =  267.80 per month